Health and Wellness

3 Words for 2011 – Present, Wellness, Dedication

I have three words that are guide posts for my personal and professional development in 2011. My words are:

1. Present. I strive to be present in my online, phone, and face to face conversations in 2011. I strive to be fully present during time with my children. Part of being present will be untethering from my smartphone, especially from 5 pm to kid bedtime, so I can be fully present for fun and games, dinner preparations, and bedtime routines.

I also want to be present during the many conference calls I participate in with co-workers, clients, and prospects. I am easily distracted by the browser windows and social media information flows that surround me. Before and during calls I will be shutting down and turning off those distractions. I am also already taking more of my conference calls out of my office – in another room or on the patio – for a change of venue.

2. Wellness. Health and fitness are very important to me. I am committed to regular exercise and have already registered for the 2011 Green Bay Cellcom marathon. Regular walking, running, cycling, and swimming does wonders for my state of mind.

Another important aspect of wellness for me in 2011 is changing my diet. I have used frequent exercise as an excuse for eating whatever passed within arm’s reach. No more. To reach my weight and fitness goals I am retooling with this motto, “fruit first.” I have made great strides since Thanksgiving 2010 eliminating almost all cake, pie, ice cream, cookies, and candy from my diet. I have a significant sweet tooth so this has been a huge test of my will power. So far so good.

We are also changing the pantry. Our initial focus is on breakfast. We are switching to organic milk and yogurt, homemade cereals or low sugar cereals, homemade breads, and natural peanut butter and jams. The fewer ingredients on the label the more likely it is we will buy.

Finally, reading is an important component of wellness. I love to read and have a stack of books to work through. I am trying to dedicate thirty minutes every day to reading.

3. Dedication. Accomplishing my “Present” and “Wellness” goals is going to require considerable dedication. I am making small choices everyday on how I spend my time, how I interact with others, and how I treat my body based on significant long-term goals. To reach those long-term goals requires dedication.

How about you? What are your words for 2011?

Thanks to Chris Brogan for sharing this technique of three defining words for the year with me. Read his post on his three words for 2011.

MedicCast Extra Study Aids

By Greg Friese

Greg Friese, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is an author, educator, paramedic, and marathon runner.

Greg was the co-host of the award winning EMSEduCast podcast, the only podcast by and for EMS educators. Greg has written for,, Wilderness Medical Associates, JEMS Magazine, and EMS World Magazine, and the NAEMSE Educator Newsletter.