
ebook: MCI Response by EMS Tips, Resources, and Training

MCI Trailer SuppliesEbook compilation of tips, resources, and training related to EMS response to mass casualty incident response. Download the ebook, read, and share. I would also welcome your tips, resources, and product reviews for a second edition.

If you are interested in mass casualty response and EMS I highly recommend these posts and training programs:

MCI Response for EMS from The archive of this session includes all the materials you need for running an interactive and educational tabletop exercise. I designed and have run this exercise dozens of times for students and experienced EMS professionals.

MCI Response in Israel – links to an article and podcasts from my experience attending an MCI response workshop in Israel

iPhone app for managing mass casualty incidents

Medical Author Chat with Michael Anthony – author of Mass Casualties: a young medic’s true story of death, dishonesty, and dishonor in Iraq.

MCI Products Response Training 2nd Edition


By Greg Friese

Greg Friese, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is an author, educator, paramedic, and marathon runner.

Greg was the co-host of the award winning EMSEduCast podcast, the only podcast by and for EMS educators. Greg has written for,, Wilderness Medical Associates, JEMS Magazine, and EMS World Magazine, and the NAEMSE Educator Newsletter.